Premium Beauty News - Qualipac has decided to exploit fully the internet tool to communicate with clients.

Pierre Hémar - That’s right! And we are all very proud. We actually took the time to work on this site because we believe it is a important way of enhancing our work.

Premium Beauty News – What main principles guided you for the website development?

Pierre Hémar - It was primarily to create a site that was at the same time accurate and sufficiently informative, aesthetic and very visual.

To achieve this our marketing and technical teams worked with the Aesthete agency (may they all be thanked for their contribution) in order to leave a stylistic signature that could compare with what our clients demonstrate in this field, but with fewer resources.

At the same time, we have, for example, paid special attention to the interactive chapter dedicated to standards which illustrates a group synergy with the bottles from Pochet.

We also needed to underline the synergy between all the packaging offers of the Qualipac group ranging from the cap to the box or the glass (with Pochet) including plastic and promotional offers.

Premium Beauty News – How is the site structured?

Pierre Hémar - In fact there are several access keys. The first might be called "Process" which is more dedicated to buyers and developers, with a more technical classification by "know how".

The second key, more product oriented, with a classification by product family should be of a more natural access to the marketing teams.

A "synergy" chapter using an animation to display a fictional product showing all the skill areas of the Qualipac offer.

Premium Beauty News – In the site’s introduction, you compare your business with a genuine artistic spirit combining different materials to different forms and different processing technologies.

Pierre Hémar - Absolutely, it’s truly through the aspect of embellishment of material that we look at the ways of processing plastic in our factories.

Finally, the best piece of advice to give would be to suggest visiting your website?

Pierre Hémar - Absolutely !