Italy-based make-up contract manufacturer Chromavis will present its new collections from September 9th to September 13th in New York.

Chromavis’ Make-up vision for 2020/2021 is a journey inside collections based on achievable contrasts, very light but color-saturated textures and cutting-edge ingredients thought for those who live in the city and in situations of mobility and overcrowding. We talk about city-smart, a make-up ‘to be worn’ at daytime and to be removed at night in order to assure a healthy and clean skin: inside, a net of active ingredients creates a selective breathable barrier able to repel polluting and harmful agents while protecting and helping the skin to reinforce itself,” said the company in a release.

To address current trends, Chromavis has shortened the ingredient lists, developed vegan textures and created imperceptible filmsbut with high performance and full colors”.

Chromavis counts with 10 production plants (7 in Europe, 1 in Ukraine, 1 in the USA, 1 in Brazil), a commercial office in New York and another one in Paris, beside 340 clients in all market segments distributed in 75 different Countries. The main areas are EMEA (50%) and the United States (40%), the rest 10% is distributed in Asia.