An unprecedented survey carried out by Avon, in partnership with consulting firm Grimpa, has highlighted changes in the habits and self-esteem of Brazilian women since the start of the pandemic. Called #OlhadeNovo - named after the repositioning campaign the brand recently launched in Brazil - the study included 1,000 women aged 18 and more across Brazil. All of them were users of make-up products, perfumes and body and facial care products.

Mood booster

Even though it was only applied once or twice a week on average, during the height of the pandemic, makeup had a transformative role for women. According to 80% of them, it improved their mood during this period.

78% of women surveyed said they used lipstick to feel good and not for attracting the attention of others, and 74% said makeup can also be used at home.

In Brazil as everywhere, the use of facial masks to limit the spread of the Covid-19 disease has changed makeup routines: 33% of women surveyed gave more importance to their eyes and 21% switched from lipstick to balm lips.

Skincare gains ground

New habits linked to the pandemic have also boosted the use of face care products: 35% of women surveyed by Avon said they use them.

Unlike other consumers around the world, Brazilian women have not given up on perfume during the pandemic; on the contrary if we are to believe the figures published by ABIHPEC! As far as the Avon study is concerned, 46% of surveyed women said that perfumes have the power to transport them to other places or remind them of the life’s happy moments. In short, they also have the capacity to boost their mood!

It’s therefore no surprise that, when asked about the future and the beauty habits with which they will enjoy reconnecting when the pandemic is under control, Brazilians mention perfumes (65%), lipsticks (62%). and mascaras (58%).