In front of this situation, Asquan lauches the Ocean Waste Collection Program, to use innovation to support eco-systems and protect the oceans.

Asquan decided to act

At Asquan, besides using recycled or eco materials and integrating recyclability in the core of our designs, we decided to be more innovative and go beyond our business model. We believe in an industry that globally preserves the environment and values people. Starting in 2020, we decided to contribute to the recovery and the recycling of ocean-waste plastics.

Our goal is to reduce Ocean plastic waste ,whilst at the same time improving the lives of our society’s most underprivileged living in countries with poor waste management infrastructure. The ecosystem put in place creates a recycling infrastructure and invites locals to earn a stable income by joining recycling forces. Through the use of blockchain technology, collectors can increase their income by exchanging the collected plastic waste for tokens that in turn can further be exchanged for food, money, housing, education tuition and health insurance.

Asquan is working towards this goal through our Ocean Waste Collection Program (OWCP) which has both positive environmental and social impacts.

OWCP in more detail

Asquan initiated the OWCP in Q4 2020, where approx. 20 tons of ocean waste was recovered, equivalent to approx. 1 million 500 ml plastic water bottles.

This year, Asquan is committed to continue the momentum and reach 2 million+ plastic bottles or a total 40 tons. Our efforts contribute to the development of recycling eco-systems in areas that have among the most deficient solid waste management infrastructures. This accessibility to recycling improves the materials recovery, helps in developing a circular economy, and stops plastic leaking into the environment.

Giving back to society and the environment

Asquan’s OWCP initiative is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), a global framework offering the best path forward to collaborate on solving society’s biggest problems and challenges.

By participating in the collection of ocean plastic waste, Asquan contributes to clean up our oceans as well as supporting the SDG14: Conserving our Oceans.

By allowing local people to collect and exchange plastic waste for money and services, the OWCP initiative improves access to employment, health and education which in turn contributes to the SDGs 3, 4 & 8: Good Health and Wellbeing, Quality Education and Decent Work and Economic Growth.

By joining forces in this movement against plastic pollution, we generate true added value and help tackle some of the world’s major issues i.e.: plastic waste and poverty. Asquan believes that this way, we develop strong partnerships towards sustainable development, consistent with SDG17: Partnerships for Sustainable Development.

Asquan’s ambition is to pursue this path towards sustainability and collect ever more plastic waste. Brands can support our social and environmental aspiration by trusting us with their business. Every project made with us contributes to reducing ocean plastic!