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World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries


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Panda Meetings: the new event on Chinese e-commerce

Panda Meetings: the new event on Chinese e-commerce

The first edition will take place on November 23. It will bring together Chinese ecommerce providers and companies wishing to export to...

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Geka celebrates opening of HQ's expansion in Bechhofen, Germany

Geka celebrates opening of HQ’s expansion in Bechhofen, Germany

With the expansion of their headquarter in Bechhofen, Germany, Geka has created a center of excellence for high-precision beauty...

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A failed recycling attempt transformed this family-run packaging business

A failed recycling attempt transformed this family-run packaging business

Is there a moment when you "just feel" the right choice? If you run an eco-conscious cosmetic brand, and you’re looking for a dedicated...

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Dow brings SURLYN™ on a circular and sustainable journey

Dow brings SURLYN™ on a circular and sustainable journey

Dow recently unveiled how it wants to embark on a sustainable journey with the famous resin, without compromising on high quality. A key...

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Makeup is back, Aircos and Pascual are ready for action!

Makeup is back, Aircos and Pascual are ready for action!

As meetings and shopping are returning to daily life, an entire segment of the cosmetic industry is eager to get back to business, and...

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Switch to natural hair care products with Beauté by Roquette

Switch to natural hair care products with Beauté by Roquette

Hair is an individual thing and is a huge part of identity; there is no one hair product that works for all hair types. But the COVID-19...

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GEKA is bringing innovation to MakeUp in Shanghai

GEKA is bringing innovation to MakeUp in Shanghai

GEKA will showcase its latest packaging solutions for liquid cosmetics and skincare products at this year’s MakeUp in Shanghai...

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Airtight lipstick A-TX2 by Lumson: safe, versatile, long-lasting

Airtight lipstick A-TX2 by Lumson: safe, versatile, long-lasting

What’s a woman’s best friend? A long-lasting lipstick of course! A lipstick that lasts but maintains its color throughout the day and is...

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“Clip-Case” - Reusable compact by Albéa

“Clip-Case” - Reusable compact by Albéa

Consumers are increasingly concerned with the environmental impact of the products they use on the daily, inquiring ingredients but more...

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Sustainable beauty: A tailor-made, plant-based approach for tomorrow's cosmetics

Sustainable beauty: A tailor-made, plant-based approach for tomorrow’s cosmetics

With the growth of public awareness around the environmental impact of human consumerism, climate change and pollution issues have become...

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latest news

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Created in 2009 in Milan (Italy), Esxence, The Art of Perfumery, is the one of the main global fragrance fairs for Niche perfumery. This...

Beyond Beauty by BASF: Unlocking the future of personal care

Beyond Beauty by BASF: Unlocking the future of personal care

In our changing world, people are increasingly aware of the need to protect the environment, preserve resources and address climate...

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

The 2024 edition of in-cosmetics Global, which will be held in Paris from April 16 to 18, 2024, will once again be an opportunity for...

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