Anne Rutigliano, Albéa

In Brazil, 32% of women regularly wear makeup, and mascara is an essential: with 38%, it dominates the eye segment (source: ABHIPEC). Albéa has been working on it with local and international brands present on the Brazilian market: they have developed a specific approach combining the formula, the packaging, and the applicator. And to best meet local expectations, the group felt the need to learn about these consumers’ profiles, their purchase and use habits, and the makeup effect they wish to obtain.

Thanks to our Albéa Tips Studio platform, which invents, develops, and produces all types of makeup applicators, every year, the Albéa Group designs about twenty applicators on the global scale. They can be fiber or plastic mascara brushes, brushes for the eyebrows, lipgloss or eyeliner applicators, etc. This study will help us quickly develop innovations specifically adapted to the Brazilian market”, Anne Rutigliano and Pauline Uhlen explain.

Long time users eager for new products

Pauline Uhlen, Albéa

In Brazil, the mascara offering is still quite limited, as can be seen with the number of brands, the number of references per brand, and the range of brushes or formulas. Brazilian women are more faithful to their brands than European women. However, they do declare they are interested in easy-to-use innovations designed for an efficient makeup result. The study made it possible to watch videos of 50 women and analyze their gestures and the application. Volume and length are their main expectations. Although they are used to the traditional shape of fiber brushes, which currently dominate the market, the women surveyed state they would actually welcome plastic brushes for their differentiating effect.

The specificities related to the hot and humid climate, in particular the wide use of waterproof formulas, must also be taken into account to develop adapted packaging.

The influence of the environment

Another specificity of the Brazilian market is that it has been traditionally supplied by direct-selling networks. As a consequence, word-of-mouth and tips on social networks are key factors to advise, reassure consumers, and make them purchase a product. Therefore, efficacy is essential, as it helps brands develop both a customer base and their loyalty.

The first mascara solutions adapted to the Brazilian market will be showcased at the next FCE show in May 2016”, Anne Rutigliano and Pauline Uhlen announce.