Édition Spéciale by Luxe Pack, the trade show dedicated to sustainable premium packaging, will be held on 31st May and 1st June 2022 at the Carreau du Temple in Paris: nearly 70 exhibitors and over 2,000 visitors are expected.

Postponed to the end of August in 2021, due to the health situation, the show is back on its usual schedule and will be held at the end of May-beginning of June.

About 70 exhibitors

As the only trade show in France that promotes sustainable development packaging innovation for the perfumes and beauty markets, and for wines, spirits, delicatessen, and fashion, the event will host a selection of exhibitors that have been chosen for their know-how and expertise in sustainable packaging eco-design.

Luxury brands, packaging manufacturers, members of our steering committee… Everyone is unanimous: integrating the environmental issue is essential for the success of packaging innovations,” explained Fabienne Germond, Director of the trade show. “Driven by necessity, Édition Spéciale by Luxe Pack will present ever more sustainable packaging solutions and will provide enlightened and cutting edge content to further the eco-design of the packaging of tomorrow.

The 70 exhibitors will present visitors a wide array of eco-designed packaging solutions, ranging from weight reduction to refillability, including ‘clean’ finishing, and the use of natural materials, plant-based inserts, etc.

Among those confirmed to date, several exhibitors are coming back for the second or third year in a row, (Baralan, Bormioli Luigi, Estal, Fedrigoni France, Gainerie 91, Gmund Paper, Heinz Glas, ICMA, Knoll Prestige Packaging, Kurz, Neyret Textile Identification, G. Pivaudran, Procos, Tapi, Van Genechten Packaging), while the list of first time exhibitors will include: Ahlstrom-Munksjo, Anha Creation, Les Ateliers Du Sac, Cosfibel Group, Edelmann, PNP Agency, Premier Packaging, et Woerner + Cie.

Conference programme

Developed with brands committed to sustainable development, the conference programme is based on four formats:

1. Plenary conferences. Each morning, they will feature a panel of speakers from iconic or rising brands, but also members of key associations and experts.

The agenda includes:

 National 3R strategy: green varnish or new deal? with Coca Cola, Elipso, and the French Glass Industry Federation;
 Are you greenwashing without knowing it? with Perrier-Jouët, La Crème Libre, Caruus, and Pour Un Réveil Écologique ;
 Start-ups that are betting on eco-design with La Barbarie Compagnie, Floratropia, Olly Lingerie, and Norlo Coffee;
 Do you know the environmental impact of your products? with L’Oréal, Groupe Rocher, Donons du Sens, and Scorelca.

2. Success Stories. Every afternoon, real application cases will be presented by exhibitors and their customers on key issues (natural materials, reuse, recycling, weight reduction, etc.).

3. New materials. A series of 10 minute-pitches on alternative materials: mycelium, recycled shells, fish leather, plant fibres, plastic waste, natural raw materials, etc.

4. ‘Ask me anything’ session. 45 minutes to freely ask all your questions to an expert who will dispel preconceived ideas on recurring subjects (environmental catchphrases, compostability, deposit, recycling, etc.).
Details and tickets: www.editionspeciale-luxepack.com