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World class news for the beauty and cosmetics industries


Waterless, refillable, upcycled: Circular cosmetic products are mushrooming

Waterless, refillable, upcycled: Circular cosmetic products are mushrooming

Circularity is taking off in the cosmetics industry, with many new launches involving sustainable products, ingredients, and packaging....

Despite very low collection rates, Nigeria tries to recycle wastes

Despite very low collection rates, Nigeria tries to recycle wastes

While Nigerian lawmakers are being discussing the adoption of an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) to make manufacturers or...

L'Oréal North Asia Zone achieves carbon neutrality across all sites

L’Oréal North Asia Zone achieves carbon neutrality across all sites

L’Oréal Group’s North Asia Zone is the first of the company’s zones worldwide to achieve carbon neutrality across all operated sites,...

How to make perfumes enter the Symbiocene age? A study

How to make perfumes enter the Symbiocene age? A study

In light of the major eco-design challenge faced by the perfume industry, trends and packaging experts Pascale Brousse and Gérald...

Polystyrene-munching superworms could hold key to plastic upcycling

Polystyrene-munching superworms could hold key to plastic upcycling

Packing material, disposable cutlery, CD cases: Polystyrene is among the most common forms of plastic, but recycling it isn’t easy and...

Global plastic waste on track to triple by 2060, but recycling could help

Global plastic waste on track to triple by 2060, but recycling could help

The amount of plastic waste produced globally is on track to almost triple by 2060, with around half ending up in landfill and less than...

Decarbonization: Pochet prepares the future of glass at its Guimerville plant

Decarbonization: Pochet prepares the future of glass at its Guimerville plant

The French glassmaker plans the electrification of one of the furnaces dedicated to luxury bottles and jars at the Pochet du Courval -...

Industrial use of captured carbon could dramatically reduce GHG emissions

Industrial use of captured carbon could dramatically reduce GHG emissions

Carbon capture and utilization (CCU) in the chemical industry could lead to a dramatical reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,...

Beiersdorf to launch the world's first skincare product with recycled CO2

Beiersdorf to launch the world’s first skincare product with recycled CO2

The group is preparing to launch in Germany the first skin care moisturizer treatment containing ethanol made with carbon captured from...

The cosmetics industry joins forces to create a global environmental scoring

The cosmetics industry joins forces to create a global environmental scoring

To date, 36 major players in the global cosmetics industry, including brands, manufacturers and professional associations, have join...

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latest news

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Esxence 2024. Reshuffling the cards in alternative and niche perfumery

Created in 2009 in Milan (Italy), Esxence, The Art of Perfumery, is the one of the main global fragrance fairs for Niche perfumery. This...

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

Tubing mascaras: “The eye makeup trend brands must meet,” says IL Cosmetics

In the ever-evolving world of beauty, IL Cosmetics listens and monitors to emerging and underlying trends. As it will present its latest...

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

Cosmetic Ingredients - April 2024

The 2024 edition of in-cosmetics Global, which will be held in Paris from April 16 to 18, 2024, will once again be an opportunity for...

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