The Young Executive Programme - a series of events designed to help CEW members under the age of 30 to grow their career - will kick off on the 4th of April with the first event “Defining Brand You with The Step Up Club,” a new voice in the career conversation.

The Step Up Club are Alice Olins, Director-at-Large at Red Magazine and Phanella Mayall Fine, Executive Coach and Development Consultant. With their latest research and 10 minute career workouts, Alice and Phanella are redefining the future for young professionals, getting straight to the heart of the career conversation in the workplace.

Alice Olins and Phanella Mayall Fine, The Step Up Club

This event will be a one hour workshop to boost skill set, define “Brand You”, learn to self-promote and crucially give Young Executive the confidence to network.
The aim is to have a new event every quarter with this programme, to deliver a maximum value to CEW members,” explains the CEW UK.