Charles-Emmanuel Gounod

Premium Beauty News - Not so easy to develop a new club during crisis times

Charles-Emmanuel Gounod - It’s true and you’re right. However, the BeautyFULL Club proved quite resistant to the economic storm that shook and is still shaking our sector. I remind you that the sector’s activity has never decreased so deeply since the 1930s. And it’s probably why an initiative such as the BeautyFULL Club was really needed. Actually, what a better time than these dire times for professionals of the beauty sector to gather themselves, discuss, and having a better view of the future?

Today, we have around sixty members. And they are very motivated: just consider the success of our information breakfasts. There are many companies interested in joining us. Our concern is to balance the number of members from the supply side with members from the customer side.

Premium Beauty News - Actually the year 2009 was quite chaotic for the beauty sector

Charles-Emmanuel Gounod - Yes, but I’d like to insist that, in such a context, our members are even more convinced of the usefulness and the relevancy of a club like ours. And our programme for the year 2010 can demonstrate this point. More than ever, we have the will to be the main meeting point of our sector.

Premium Beauty News - So let’s talk about this programme

Charles-Emmanuel Gounod - The club’s website is now fully operational and our members can use discussion forums.

Of course, we plan to organise and even accelerate the frequency of our breakfasts (almost one per month) and to organise several lunch-debates.

Regarding other actions, we also plan:

 A wider opening toward young professionals and the new professions, through the creation of a junior membership for those less than 35 year-old, in order to bring them competences and allow them to stand by a high level professional network. In this context, we are considering to cooperate with several graduate schools.
 The creation at the end of 2010 of a BeautyFULL Club Award with an award ceremony honouring creative and development teams.