Ludovic Anceau, Socoplan

Premium Beauty News - What is interesting about the results of this survey [1] is the importance of samples for consumers that receive them along with a purchase or during a promotional campaign conducted by a brand!

Ludovic Anceau - Obviously, it is quite reassuring for Socoplan and for our business. At least the results of this survey help set the record straight and this should encourage us to continue to put forward the fantastic medium represented by samples, which is not always taken into account by our customers’ marketing teams.

Thus, to the question “How did you come to know a brand’s product?”, over 51% of respondents answer “Through a sample.” Over 71% of people state that “it is with the help of a sample that they learned to appreciate for the first time a fragrance.” They are 68% in this case concerning a skincare or make-up product.

Even better, not only have interviewed persons come to know the product through samples, but it is by far the method they prefer to test it (the tester is only appreciated by 26% of respondents and in-store demonstration is only appreciated by 16% of them!).

Premium Beauty News - The success is the same for samples found inside magazines?

Ludovic Anceau - The success is the same, indeed! 65% of consumers overwhelmingly applaud this promotion method to discover and appreciation a fragrance. The single advertising page only collects 13% of approvals and newspaper articles, 21%.

This seems obvious, but a person who receives a sample will use it! 91% of them will use it straight away. And even better, 73% of them state that the sample led them to buy the product afterwards.

Premium Beauty News - What types of samples are the most popular?

Ludovic Anceau - It’s an interesting point because opinions are very divided among consumers and sales staff, concerning this subject. The first prefer more sophisticated samples, while the latter are in favour of more simple samples like sachets. In both cases, anyway, people are always sorry to not have enough of them because samples not only help discover a product but are also a highly valued gift. By giving a sample, you also give a bonus to customer loyalty.